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26-27 June 2024Metallgjuteriet, Stockholm Fashion District

Welcome to Nordic Fabric Fair


It's time for Nordic Fabric Fair once again! We welcome you to an inspiring and rewarding event that showcases textiles, trimmings and accessories.

Please note that this is the official Nordic Fabric Fair for the AW25 season, previously held in August. It has now been moved earlier, to 26-27 June.

As a fashion designer or other professional, you are invited to explore and purchase new and innovative textile products for the upcoming Autumn/Winter '25 season, as well as permanent collections. You will also have the chance to network and attend our industry mingle events. 

Don't forget to check out the program for the days, further down on this site. 

Opening hours for booked appointments:
Wednesday, June 26,  09.00-18.00
Thursday, June 27, 09.00-16.00

Metallgjuteriet, Augustendalstorget 6,
131 52, Nacka strand

This is an industry event with mandatory registration. Free entry.
Welcome to Nordic Fabric Fair!

Register here!


Exhibiting Companies

CB Gedda, Cobra Textil, ColourHouse Scandinavia, Etikettkompaniet, Fabrex Textil, Fov Fabrics, T.Goldman, Grindemarks Agenturer, International Textil, Ivan Lindberg & Co, Lemar, Louise Wennberg / Fabric House Srl, Malin Lindmark Agentur, MKSC, My Textiles, Nordiska Textilakadmin, Pierre Henriet, PS Agenturer, PS Kviman, Ulla larson's agentur


1859 Leathertex S.R.L., Aadhava Aparels, Achille Valera Lissoni, AGM, Albano Morgado, Alibi, Balli S, Balli SPA, BAP Group / Corozite, Berning, Beztas, Bonotto SPA, Bossa, Brisbane & moss, British Millerain, Brito, Brunello S.P.A, Brunetto Morganti, Cadica, Cafissi, Cangioli, Carlo Bassetti, Centro Seta, Cervotessile/ FVL, Chapman, Cialdi Giuseppe, Cimmino, CNC tessuti, Colourhouse Scandinavia, Cortina Textil, Crepin-petit, Cristoffe / Bacus, De Bernardi, Delegant, Destro / Eurotessile, Devaux, Duebi, E.Miroglio, Etikettkompaniet, Euromaglia Srl, Fabric House Srl, Fabrica, Fitecom, FOV Fabrics, Furpile IDEA, Furtex International, Giannetti, Gottstein, Greenwool, Halley Stevensons, Harris Tweed Hebridies, Hemp Fortex, Idepa, Infinity, IN-Jersey, Inseta, InTesPra, Ioakimidis textiles, Ipeker, Kipas Shirting, Kotonteks, Lamintess, lcat/My Way, Lemar, Leomaster, Leverstyle Ltd, Lisa, Maeba, Magee / Robert Noble, Microtex, Mitwill, Monteoliveto S.R.L., Mylab, New Junior, Nordiska Textilakademin, Olimpias, Olmetex SpA, Padano, Paulo de Oliveira SA, Paultex S.R.L, Pierre Henriet, Pini, Pontetorto, Profilo, Quality textiles, ROMA S.R.L, Ronghi, SEM, SEM-Italy, Sidogras, Siulas, Söktas, Somelos Tecidos, Sprintex/Ercea/LEV, SSC Textil, Sublitex, TBM, Tebitex, Teijin, Tessil-Stock, Tessitura Albizzate, Testuti Di Sondrio, Titanus, Toki Sen-i, Toko Shoji, Tootal Fabrics bv, Utexbel, Verhees Textiles

ColourHouse Scandinavia with brands: 
A+A Design studio, Carlin, Chiron, Color Essence, D.cipherfm,, InMouv, Luminary, Minicool, Next Look, Next Trend Studio, OvN Vision, Pantone, Scout Forecasting, StyleRight, Trendhouse, Trendhub BDA, View Publications


496 Fabric LAB, Danken Enterprise Co. Ltd., Fortune Textile Co. Ltd., In-Fashion Int’l Co. Ltd., iRabbit Technical Fabric, Knitdigo, Maxland Sportswear Industrial Co., Ltd., Taiwan Textile Federation, WidePlus International Co., Ltd.

(Please note that the floor map will be released closer to the fair)


Dates and opening hours

The Fair Hall, June 26-27th

Metallgjuteriet, Augustendalstorget 6, Nacka strand, Stockholm

The reception is open
Wednesday 26th, 09.00-18.00
Thursday 27th, 09.00-16.00

Make sure to send a booking request to the agent you want to meet, through our business network here.

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Streaming: Trend Presentation with Robbie Sinclair from FS

Wednesday, 26/6 14:00
Location: Metallgjuteriet, Augustendalstorget 6, Nacka Strand, Stockholm

Next Trend Studio is live-streaming a special edition of the AW2025-26 trend lectures in collaboration with ColourHouse Scandinavia. The lecture on Wednesday will be given by Robbie Sinclair, a representative from FS Here’s what you will learn, as described by Robbie:

"Design with a purpose – joy emotion. In order to create best-selling products, we must understand how consumers feel. As we dive into three of our four AW2025-26 Design Aesthetics, we unpack emotional dressing, empowering of the self, and harness meaningful design through Essentialism in the wake of declining colour and purposeful products. We also unleash joy through Indulgence and tap into folkloric traditions to inspire a creative future.”

FS with HQ in N.Y. explores the future, from culture to design history, to consumer insights, through a +100 persons strong team of global forecasters and colour specialists.

This lecture is presented to you by ColourHouse Scandinavia, exhibiting at Nordic Fabric Fair, stand 117

RSVP to the networking mingle when signing up for Nordic Fabric Fair.

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Network Mingle

Wednesday, 26/6 17:15
Location: Metallgjuteriet, Augustendalstorget 6, Nacka Strand, Stockholm

We invite you to network and socialize with your peers in the industry to conclude the first day of Nordic Fabric Fair. Welcome to a drink while enjoying the company of your colleagues.

to the networking mingle when signing up for Nordic Fabric Fair.

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Streaming: Trend Presentation with Christine Foden from D.cipherfm

Thursday, 27/6 10:00
Location: Metallgjuteriet, Augustendalstorget 6, Nacka Strand, Stockholm

Next Trend Studio is live-streaming a special edition of the AW2025-26 trend lectures in collaboration with ColourHouse Scandinavia. The lecture on Thursday will be given by Christine Foden from D.cipherfm . Here’s what you don't want to miss, as described by Christine:

The key colour, style and why-aspects of AW2025-26: - ”this season, we explore “Yearning”. Inspired by the concept of “Yearnposting" online, in a time when everything seems to keep on challenging our current lifestyles and pushing us towards change, we’re looking towards the future with nostalgic longing, capturing specific moods representing optimistic memories; we search for softness and sentimental connections, acknowledging our place on the planet and wondering about the meaning of a digital future - to build for a better tomorrow supported by the legacies of our past.”

D.cipherfm colour & style studio, London, focus on Menswear, Womenswear and Active Sports & Lifestyle.

This lecture is presented to you by ColourHouse Scandinavia, exhibiting at Nordic Fabric Fair, stand 117

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Find your way here:
Stockholm Fashion District is located in Nacka strand, Stockholm.

By car: Follow Stadsgårdsleden from Slussen in central Stockholm towards Värmdöleden (road 222). Take the Nacka strand exit and follow the signs towards the "Fashion District". Travel time approx. 8 min.

Parking: There are over 2000 parking spots in the Stockholm Fashion District distributed over 3 parking buildings and outdoors. Follow the directions after you pass the tunnel to Nacka strand.

By boat: SjöVägen's boats depart from Nybrokajen with an estimated journey time of 25 minutes and SL cards are valid. Boat timetable.

By public transport: Bus 443 departs from Slussen to Nacka strand with an estimated travel time of 10 minutes. From Handenterminalen in Haninge, you take bus 840. From Fisksätra you take bus 465. Bus 71 departs from Slussen (Glasbruksgatan) via Sickla to Nacka strand. Timetable for public transport,

By Taxi: Stockholm Fashion District recommends Taxi Stockholm (08-15 00 00), Taxi 020 (020-20 20 20), or Taxi Kurir (08-30 00 00).

Seaside walk/bike ride from Sickla or Södermalm: You now have the fantastic opportunity to get to us via a walk or bike ride along the water. There is a 400-meter-long pedestrian connection between Nacka Strand and Svindervik's manor where you can then walk further to the south or up towards Sickla.


Nordic Fabric Fair is a Scandinavian textile fair that brings together international factories, producers, and weavers represented by Swedish agents. For many designers, this fair marks the beginning of the new season,just as much as the sketch table does. Within the fair, there is a wealth ofknowledge about textile materials and accessories among the participatingexperts. The new collections are presented in a readily accessible manner.

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